Give / Support

Give to the Annual Fund

Jones Memorial Library is a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization.  As a non-profit library specializing in genealogy and local history, we rely on support from donors like you.

Most of our budget (86%) is funded by our annual draw from an endowment established by Mary Watts Jones. The remaining 14% comes from donations and grants. Donor support enables the library to continue to move forward and take advantage of the technology that is available to serve current and future generations. Your gift makes a difference!

To make a gift by credit card, please use our Square link. We also accept payments via PayPal

To make a gift by check, please send your check (payable to Jones Memorial Library) to us at 2311 Memorial Avenue, Lynchburg, VA 24501.

The library welcomes matching gifts, gifts of securities, and charitable distributions. Please contact

Thank you for your support!

Give Materials to the Library

Please contact the Archivist before bringing us your materials.

Jones Memorial Library acquires and preserves printed and manuscript materials which contribute to documenting the history and genealogy of the Lynchburg area. A criteria for evaluating materials for inclusion in the collections is the degree to which they contribute to the Library’s mission “to acquire, preserve, and make available for public use materials documenting the history and genealogy of the Lynchburg area.”  The library receives no tax funds to support this work, relying on income from an endowment, donations from the public, grants, and gifts of materials.

It is necessary to take great care in adding materials to the collections. In most cases, materials accepted and retained are limited to those with specific reference to the Lynchburg, Virginia region and people who have lived in the area.  Prospective donors are invited to consult with our professional staff about the materials being considered for donation. Once donations are approved, a Deed of Gift detailing the donor, the materials, and their provenance is required.

Gifts of materials are acknowledged in writing by the Executive Director or designated professional staff. In accordance with IRS regulations, no written statement of monetary value for donated materials will be sent to any donor.  Donors needing statements of value should have formal appraisals done by outside appraisers at their own expense.

The Library reserves the right to return or dispose, including the sale of, any gift materials not falling within its needs. All materials, once received, become the property of the Library. All materials, once they have been processed, are open for public use.

For more information, please consult our Acquisitions, Gift and Collection Development policies.

Give Your Time: Interns, Volunteers & Trustees

Jones Memorial Library benefits from the talent and skills of a dedicated corps of volunteers.  

Volunteers handle diverse tasks and projects from shelving and shifting materials to digitizing content and creating exhibits. Our volunteers, of all ages and backgrounds, have a wide variety of skills and experience. We ask that volunteers serve a few hours a week on a semester or longer basis. We also work with students on an internship basis.  The library has limited funding to provide paid internships to undergraduate and graduate students; most internships are volunteer or credit-based. Learn more about available opportunities.

Jones Memorial Library’s Board of Trustees is a collegial group of volunteer members with diverse skills, interests, and experiences.  All board members share a commitment to preserving Lynchburg’s history.  Members serve for three-year, renewable terms; terms begin each year in July.  The board’s work is enhanced through an active and engaged committee structure.  Trustees can anticipate a time commitment of 1-2 hours a month for board and committee meetings. To learn more about board service, or to make a nomination for the board, please email

2024 Annual Report

Information about the Library’s expenses and revenue for the period July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

2023 Annual Report